Apply For an SME Digitalisation Grant

Increase The Efficiency of Your Business Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises often have problems with their operations and therefore need support. That is why the Malaysian government has organized an SME digitalisation grant that can help them to increase efficiency in business. The main goal is to help medium, small and micro enterprises to digitize their business. Digitization means it will increase its growth and advance faster. There are many types of services such as: e-point of sale system, digital marketing, enterprise resource planning, human resources payroll system, as well as customer relationship management, procurement, e-commerce, remote work and more. Each of these services can significantly affect the productivity of your business, which means that you will also increase your profits. Out of the listed services, you can choose three services using this government program. Any of the services will be of great benefit to you for your further development and progress. In order to receive any of these services, you need to sign up. The application process takes about 3 working days. Once you’ve submitted your application, it goes through reviews to get approved, after which you’ll receive an email notification about the status of your application. To apply you must complete an online application form, you must submit documents such as a copy of the NRIC of the owner or director, your business registration license and bank statements for the last two months or recent management accounts are required. If you want to improve your business and you are the owner of a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise, apply now for the SME digitalisation grant and expect very quick success.